All rights © L’Olivier Neffiès 2023
Jancis Robinson on wine
Maecenas condimentum tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum vel tellus. Sed vulputate. Morbi massa nunc, convallis a, commodo gravida. Aenean ornare viverra est. Maecenas lorem. Aenean euismod iaculis dui.
Montpellier Tourism http://www.montpellier-
Useful links to all the cultural happenings in Montpellier
Sete Tourist Office http://en.tourisme-
Good calendar of events etc.
The indispensable Ryanair
Flight search etc
Oliver’s guides http://www.midi-
Rather eccentric but comprehensive regional guides, will try to rent you a villa!. Stick with us!
Languedoc Holiday guide http://www.languedoc-
In depth guide to region
Lists lots of events, organisations etcetc
Theatre de Pierres
Very special tiny local theatre
Best book on our regional wines by Rosemary George.
Available from Wordery or locally